This Week's Praise

"Betelehemu" by Morehouse College Glee Club

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Monopoly - Kairos Style

“I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.” – Matthew 5:36.

Jesus praises those who participate in prison ministry and promises them a reward at the final judgment. Kairos Prison Ministry has opportunities for you to get involved. We need your help! Let me share ways which you can participate.

First, several times a year, teams are formed to go into the prisons in Mississippi and share the love of Jesus Christ. We go into Parchman, Central Mississippi Correctional Facility (CMCF) and South Mississippi Correctional Institute (SMCI). We use a renewal weekend format very similar to Cursillo, Walk to Emmaus, Tres Dias, Chrysalis, the Happening, etc. Both mail and female prison residents participate with some amazing results. Many express that they have never experienced real love in their lives until they experienced Kairos. Also, there is a Kairos Outside weekend for the female family members of those incarcerated.

If you would like to be on one of these teams in Mississippi, get in touch with me by commenting on this blog post.

There are many who confess that they do not feel the call to go into the prisons. There are other ways to help.

None is more important than prayer. During a weekend, we seek those who are willing to provide prayer coverage on the outside while we minister on the inside. A prayer chain is put together by the team with each team member finding nine people willing to pray for 10 minutes during the weekend. It is a 72 hour prayer chain.

Will you pray for 10 minutes?

I am on a team going into CMCF from March 29th thru April 1st. My prayer time slot is Saturday, March 31st from midnight to 1:30 am. If you would be willing to stay up late (or set the alarm to wake you) to pray for 10 minutes, post a blog comment and I will put you on my prayer chain.

There are still other ways you can help.

It costs to put on one of these weekends. On each weekend, there are 42 prison residents participating. Of course, they are not asked to pay a weekend fee, so the cost must be raised on the outside. Each facility we go into is a little different but we have figured the average cost per prison resident or outside family member at about $200 each. This covers the cost of meals, supplies and camp facility in the case of Kairos Outside.

Your tax deductible contribution of any amount would be greatly appreciated!

Make checks out to ‘Kairos of Mississippi’. You can mail them to me at:
Rev. Willie
PO Box 1126
Florence, MS. 39073-1126.

Jesus said “Go”. I’m going. Will you be my ‘Get out of jail free’ card? Help me raise at least $200/sponsor one resident.

Cookies are a big part of a Kairos weekend and another way you can get involved. Over a weekend, several thousand dozen ‘good’ cookies are consumed. Oreos, Fig Newton, chocolate chips and macadamia nuts are some of their favorites. Sugar Free cookies are also needed. If you would like to organize a cookie drive at your church, in your Sunday School class or prayer group, go for it and I can give you the drop-off information. They are needed by March 28th.

However you wish to participate will be a blessing to the prison residents and give glory to God. Isn’t it wonderful that none of us have a monopoly on God’s love. We can give and give and give and still have all the love we would ever need.

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