This Week's Praise

"Betelehemu" by Morehouse College Glee Club

Friday, May 11, 2007


The Lord knows those who belong to him.

2 Timothy 2:19

Imagine the event. You are before the judgment seat of Christ. The book is opened and the reading begins—each sin, each deceit, each occasion of destruction and greed. But as soon as the infraction is read, grace is proclaimed.…

The result? God’s merciful verdict will echo through the universe. For the first time in history, we will understand the depth of his goodness. Itemized grace. Catalogued kindness. Registered forgiveness. We will stand in awe as one sin after another is proclaimed, and then pardoned.…

The devil will shrink back in defeat. The angels will step forward in awe. And we saints will stand tall in God’s grace. As we see how much he has forgiven us, we will see how much he loves us. And we will worship him.

The result will be the first genuine community of forgiven people. Only one is worthy of the applause of heaven, and he’s the one with the pierced hands and feet.

When Christ Comes

Today's Scripture in Context

[1]Lucado, Max; Gibbs, Terri A.: Grace for the Moment: Inspirational Thoughts for Each Day of the Year. Nashville, Tenn.: J. Countryman, 2000, S. 152

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