This Week's Praise

"Betelehemu" by Morehouse College Glee Club

Monday, November 03, 2008


Leviticus 7:11-15
Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust.

Further Instructions for the Peace Offering

11 “These are the instructions regarding the different kinds of peace offerings that may be presented to the Lord. 12 If you present your peace offering as an expression of thanksgiving, the usual animal sacrifice must be accompanied by various kinds of bread made without yeast—thin cakes mixed with olive oil, wafers spread with oil, and cakes made of choice flour mixed with olive oil. 13 This peace offering of thanksgiving must also be accompanied by loaves of bread made with yeast. 14 One of each kind of bread must be presented as a gift to the Lord. It will then belong to the priest who splatters the blood of the peace offering against the altar. 15 The meat of the peace offering of thanksgiving must be eaten on the same day it is offered. None of it may be saved for the next morning.

As we begin the month of November, we look forward to the end of the month and Thanksgiving. We can look back in scripture to the Old Testament Law and find the roots of thanksgiving. As Moses gave the instruction for the “…peace offering … an expression of thanksgiving…”, it was to “… be presented to the LORD.” Living in grace, we are not required to prepare the Old Testament sacrifices. That being said it would be good … it would be expedient to keep the focus of our thanksgiving on the LORD.

He is the One worthy to be praised!

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