This Week's Praise

"Betelehemu" by Morehouse College Glee Club

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Then his disciples said, “At last you are speaking plainly and not in parables. Now we understand that you know everything and don’t need anyone to tell you anything. From this we believe that you came from God.” Jesus asked, “Do you finally believe? But the time is coming—in fact, it is already here—when you will be scattered, each one going his own way, leaving me alone. Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me. I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
John 16:29-33
It took the disciples a long time to get it. There is scripture that indicates that some; Thomas for example, did not fully get it until after the crucifixion and resurrection. Three years had passed since Jesus called them to follow Him. Three years they had sat under His teaching. “Jesus asked, “Do you finally believe?””
For me, I grew up around family who believed and walked in their faith. Still it took me a long time to make what I witnessed personal. I can see in my spirit Jesus saying, ‘Finally you believe!’, when I asked Him to come into my life and save me.
What about you? Did it take a long time for you to believe? For some the path to salvation comes quickly and is easy. For others, they struggle with the decision. It matters not how long it takes. What is most important is that a decision is made to invite Jesus into your heart. Have you made that decision or is Jesus still waiting and asking “Do you finally believe?”

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