This Week's Praise

"Betelehemu" by Morehouse College Glee Club

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


“And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.”

Luke 24:49


My Utmost for His Highest 06/13/06

Jesus called His disciples saying, “…come, follow me…” (Luke 18:22).

Jesus commissioned His disciples for ministry saying, “…go and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matthew 28:19).

For the disciples, Jesus had another instruction because the Holy Spirit had not yet been given. The disciples were to “…tarry … in … Jerusalem, until … (the) power from on high…” (the Holy Spirit) comes. (Luke 24:49).

As believers today, we follow the same pattern. We come to Jesus for salvation. When we receive Jesus as LORD and Savior, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit for good works. What the disciples had to tarry for in Jerusalem comes to us when we accept Jesus. We then go to the world to share the gospel because we are not ashamed of the truth that has happened in us.

Is this pattern complete in your life? Some are caught in the trap of tarrying, thinking they have no power. Jesus has given you all you need when you receive Him as LORD and Savior. Complete the pattern ... its time to get up and go.

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